From May 25 to May 27, 2021 at the EC "MERIDIAN» the II Eurasian exhibition of complex equipment and maintenance of the HORECA segment "REST-HOTEL EXPO FORUM" will be held

A demo version of the “kitchen” area program was being formed. During the forum, a series of practical master classes from professional chefs and culinary academies are held in the “kitchen” area. Below are the workshop topics.
May 25, 2021 (Tuesday)
- Seminar "Affordable Armenian, Russian, Belarusian, Kazakh and Kyrgyz cuisine"
- Master class "Authentic cuisine of the peoples of the world in a modern interpretation"
- Master class "New possibilities of using sea delicacies"
- Master class "Collaboration of kitchens in an institution"
- Master class "Kitchen in reverse"
May 26, 2021 (Wednesday)

- Master class "What do modern chefs get paid for"
- Master class "Bouillon-based sauces"
- Master class "Alternative cuts, how to work with them"
- Master class "Non-standard way of cooking fish"
May 27, 2021 (Friday)

- Master class "Cream from everyday products"
- Master class “Kitchen of an open fire. An alternative to all "kebabs" like
you can and should use fire in a restaurant"
Приглашаем шеф-поваров лучших заведений, принять участие и воплотить в жизнь программу по мастер классом , продемонстрировать свои кулинарные навыки_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ на мероприятии подобного масштаба, применяя самые «Сложные» кулинарные техники и кулинарные шедевры, выходящие из рук кудесников - the best cooks in the city.